Posts under ‘Site news’

Happy Holidays from!

We would like to thank all of our loyal readers and advertisers who continue to make possible. We will continue to strive to become more useful to you every day. Sincerely, Darren and Karen Hillock Share6Tweet6 Shares

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

All of us at wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Share7Tweet7 Shares

Happy New Year 2014 from

We appreciate the support of our readers and sponsors in 2013! We will work hard to earn your continued support through 2014. Share6Tweet6 Shares

Merry Christmas from!

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Maintenance scheduled for tonight

Our webhost will be doing some routine maintenance at about 8 p.m. today. It should go smoothly and not result in any significant downtime. But if you try to reach the site around then you may have trouble accessing If there’s important breaking news during the maintenance window, we will post to our Facebook […]

Kyle Samples wins contest

Note: Lakeside Sentry is a sponsor. — DH Kyle Samples of Wilmot won’s booth contest this year at the Kenosha County Fair. Samples correctly guessed 346 as the number of candy pieces in a jar displayed during the fair at out booth in the Commercial Building. He won a $100 gift card good […]

About those technical difficulties …

Regular, or even occasional, readers of may have experienced some difficulties in reaching the site late Thursday and much of Friday. Our hosting company was having unexpected server difficulties that resulted in the problem. Eventually we were moved to a new server, which has cleared up the issue. The experience also has prompted us to think about some more vigorous […]

Merry Christmas from!

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West of the I businesses wish you happy holidays

Need a dose of holiday spirit? Check out West of the I’s video holiday greetings. Over 20 area business recorded greetings this year.  A new group is featured on our front page this week and all are available for viewing on the Video Holiday Greetings page. Share1Tweet1 Shares

Happy Thanksgiving from!

Whether you spend it West of the I or somewhere else, all of us at wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Share2Tweet2 Shares

461 wins guessing contest

Katie Berezowitz, 5, of Burlington was this year’s winner of the guessing contest at our booth at the Kenosha County Fair. Katie guessed the number of Snap candy pieces in the jar right to the exact number — 461. For her accuracy, she will receive a lifetime membership to the Kenosha County Fair courtesy […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Whether you spend it West of the I or somewhere else, may you have a Happy Thanksgiving. ShareTweet0 Shares

Come visit at Lakes Area Expo

Come visit the crew — and a whole lot of other area business and organizations — at The 2011 Lakes Area Business Expo will be held on today, at Wilmot Union High School. The Expo will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $2 or $1 with a non-perishable food item. All […]

Thanks for your patience

We want to apologize to anyone that was inconvenienced by our web hosting company’s technical struggles yesterday that kept offline for much of the day. We heard from many people that were concerned about the situation. Thank you for your support. Such prolonged down periods have been very rare — this was the first one — […]

Happy New Year from West of the I!

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Happy Holidays from

We would like to thank all of our loyal readers and advertisers who continue to make possible. We will continue to strive to become more useful to you every day. Sincerely, Darren and Karen Hillock ShareTweet0 Shares

Happy Thanksgiving …

Whether you spend it West of the I or somewhere else, may you have a Happy Thanksgiving. ShareTweet0 Shares

West of the I Facebook fan page launched

West of the I has launched a facebook fan page. You can visit it here. Go ahead, “like” it too while you’re there. We will work to keep it updated frequently with news for you from Western Kenosha County. ShareTweet0 Shares

Winners of guessing contest announced

We’ve been doing some bean counting here at HQ. No we’re not talking about accounting. We mean counting the jelly beans we displayed in our guessing contest at our Commercial Building booth at the Kenosha County Fair. I guess this one was too easy. We had two winners: Diane Kreuscher of Paddock Lake. Stephen Squires […]

West of the I’s Darren Hillock on WGTD’s Community Matters

I was one of the panelists on WGTD’s (91.1 FM) Community Matters program that will air today at 11:15 a.m. The topic: “The Right of the Public to Know.” The host is Len Iaquinta. Also on the program was Bill Lueders, Isthmus (Madison) news editor, named “2009 Person of the Year” by the Professional Association […]

Garage sales page updated

West of the I’s garage sales page has been updated. Be sure to check it out each week before you begin your bargain hunting. If you’d like to be added to the list, please drop us a line at Include your address, days, hours etc. We’ll even add a map to your info. Share2Tweet2 Shares

Get your election results here

We will be posting results of today’s elections as soon as we get them. Keep checking back! ShareTweet0 Shares

Happy Easter…

… from ShareTweet0 Shares

Happy Birthday to us!

Today marks an important milestone for We’re one year old. A year ago Karen and I said we “are striving to make this site the ultimate source of news and information about Western Kenosha County.” That is still our goal. You are a big part of that. You contribute content or ideas for stories and that […]

Meet and Greet set with Randall supervisor candidates

Randall voters will be able to talk to the candidates for town supervisor at a Meet and Greet event scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Randall Town Hall on Highway F. in Bassett. There will be no formal program for the event. Instead voters can come in and talk to […]

Got a weather photo?

People love to shoot photos of weather in general, but snow has got to be the favorite. It just looks so dramatic. If you shoot some photos during this storm that you would like to share with West of the I readers, email them to: We’ll post them here. ShareTweet0 Shares

West of the I Poll results: Cold gets cold shoulder

The results of our poll about what is the worst part of West of the I winter are in. Seems most of our respondents are most bitter about bitter cold. I can understand that! Here are the results: What’s the biggest burden of West of the I winter?(polls) ShareTweet0 Shares

West of the I poll: What’s worse, cold or snow?

The defining characteristics of a West of the I winter come down to cold and snow. We’ve had a little of each so far this season. So, which is worse, bitter cold or lots of snow? What’s the biggest burden of West of the I winter?(polls) ShareTweet0 Shares

Happy New Year from West of the I!

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Merry Christmas from West of the I

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