Twin Lakes Village Board favors improvements to Lance Park proposed by Aquanuts

A plan for the improvements submitted by Auqanuts (supplied by village of Twin Lakes). Click for larger view

The Twin Lakes Village Board Monday gave its informal approval to an Aquanuts plan for improvements to the portion of Lance Park where the ski show group performs.

Plans call for the seating area to be reconstructed to be larger and parallel to the lake shore instead of curved, install a new main pier, upgrade electrical and shoreline reconstruction, install sound towers and upgrade landscaping and plant new trees for shade, Bob Koehler, president of the Aquanuts executive board, told the Village Board at a meeting Monday.

All of the work is estimated to cost about $400,000, Koehler said. The Aquanuts have raised funds and also received commitments for substantial “sweat equity” donations and a $100,000 grant from The Clinton Family Fund.

The Clinton Family Fund grant is contingent on the village matching that amount and the village committing to long-term use of the park by the Aquanuts, Koehler said.

Village Board members were in favor of making the match, using funds on hand designated for park development.

“I think we’d be foolish (to not approve) when we can get a $400,000 value for $100,000,” said village President Howard Skinner.

Village administrator Laura Jager confirmed that those funds — collected on new development — can only be used for park development.

Trustee Aaron Karow suggested capturing the long term use and monetary commitments in a memo of understanding between the Aquanuts and the village. That would be a formal vote on the plan.

In the meantime, Skinner said “You have in essence the board’s blessing.”

Koehler said the show section of the park would still be available for use by other organizations holding events there.


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