Agenda: Twin Lakes Village Board committee of the whole and special board meeting Oct. 7, 2024

The Twin Lakes Village Board is scheduled to hold a committee of the whole and special board meeting on Monday.

The committee of the whole meeting is first, starting at 6:30 p.m. Agenda items include:

Discussion regarding a Community Center Rental Contract from the Twin Lakes Chamber.

Discussion regarding an Intergovernmental Agreement between Kenosha County and the Village of Twin Lakes for Stormwater Maintenance and drainage facilities on East Lakeshore Drive.

Discussion regarding a request from the Aquanuts to expand seating and add additional pathways at Lance Park.

The full regular meeting agenda is available here.

The special board meeting will follow the committee of the whole meeting Special meeting agenda items are:

  • Discussion and possible action regarding a quote from Asphalt Contractors to patch 3 culverts in the amount of $9,400.
  • Discussion and possible action regarding a Memorandum of Understanding for a future intergovernmental agreement regarding joint emergency medical services


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