The Paris Town Board is scheduled to meet Tuesday, starting at 6 p.m. at Village Hall.
Agenda items include:
- Ordinance #2024-04 for approval of a petition from Paul A. Hrupka, Dennis J. Hrupka, Brian J. Hrupka & Steven A. Hrupka, 481 18th Ave., Union Grove, WI 53182 (Owners), requesting an amendment to the Adopted Land Use Plan map for Kenosha County: 2035 (map 65 of the comprehensive plan) from “Farmland Protection” & “SEC” to “Farmland Protection”, “SEC”, and “General Agricultural & Open Land” on Tax Parcel #45-4-221-071-0302, located in the NE 1⁄4 of Section 7, T2N, R21E, Town of Paris
- Consideration of a plan commission recommendation to approve a petition from Paul A. Hrupka, Dennis J. Hrupka, Brian J. Hrupka & Steven A. Hrupka, 481 18th Ave., Union Grove, WI 53182 (Owners), requesting a rezoning from A-1 Agricultural Preservation Dist., C-2 Upland Resource Conservancy Dist. & C-1 Lowland Resource Conservancy Dist. to A-1 Agricultural Preservation Dist., A-2 General Agricultural Dist., C-2 Upland Resource Conservancy Dist., C-1 Lowland Resource Conservancy Dist. & PUD Planned Unit Development Overlay Dist. on Tax Parcels #45-4-221-071-0302 & 45-4-221-072-0100, located in the N 1⁄2 of Section 7, T2N, R21E, Town of Paris.
- Review of the proposed final vegetation plan from Paris Solar for the ground cover for the solar project.
- Tabled approval of proposed amendments to the Town’s Sex Offender Residency Restriction ordinance.
- Internet updates – Spectrum, Mid-West Fiber projects
- Paris Solar project updates/ Battery storage project