Agenda: Wheatland Town Board meeting July 22, 2024

The Wheatland Town Board is scheduled to meet Monday, starting at 6 p.m. at Town Hall in New Munster.

Agenda items include:

  • Consideration for the finding of the Planning Commission recommendations for Lily Lake Resort LLC, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105 (Owner), Jill Rzeplinski, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105 (Agent), requesting a conditional use permit to allow outdoor dining, recreation, and entertainment in the B-2 Community Business Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-111-4070, located in the NE ¼ of Section 11, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland. With the following additional amendments: Music to continue no later than 11:00 pm and a canvas backdrop be in place for a sound barrier on the back of the stage area.
  • Consideration for the request to amend Lilly Lakes Resorts’ alcohol application to include all of the outside property surrounding the bar.

The full agenda is available here.


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