The 2024 Paddock Lake Bike Parade took place Thursday.
Participants lined up at McAlonan Park and then traveled north down 248th, west on 61st Street and then south on 236th Avenue to Village Hall, where there were hot dogs, lemonade and other treats for parade participants.
Over 80 bikes participated. Prizes were given for best decorated. First prize went to Bree Kuebker, second prize to Penelope Wachal and third place to Madison Rhodes
Over recent years there has been a growing contingent of decorated golf carts in the parade. This year there were 52 golf carts, said village administrator Tim Popanda. For the first time a best decorated golf cart was awarded. That award went to Gregg Dietman and family.
Also in the parade were vehicles from the village government, Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and Salem Lakes FIre/Rescue.
Here is a video taken near the start of the parade (sorry about stepping in front of the camera for a bit):https://youtu.be/kg5bUoxGRdM
Here are some more photos of the event: