The Wheatland Town Board is scheduled to meet Monday, starting at 6 p.m. at Town Hall in New Munster.
Agenda items include:
- Consideration of recommendation of the Town of Wheatland Planning Board for LGPS LLC, W624 Doulass Ave., Burlington, WI 53105 (Owner) Dustin Hein, Freedom Fireworks, LLC 1422 East Geneva Street Delavan, WI. 53115 (agent) requested approval of a temporary use (section III S. 12.18 7-4 which states that it shall be unlawful to proceed with the operation, construction, installation, enlargement or alteration of a temporary use, as defined in this ordinance without first obtaining approval from the Kenosha County Board of Adjustments) to temporarily use an existing parking lot for the placement of a 20’x80’ sales tent, a 8’x40’ metal storage container and multiple signs to operate a temporary fireworks stand in the B-3 Highway business District on Tax Parcel 95-4-219-656-0305 Town of Wheatland.
- Consideration of the recommendation of the Town of Wheatland Planning Board for Andrew B and Lucille A Lois Family Trust 7601 368 th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105(Owner), request for an amendment to Adopted Land Use Plan Map for 2035 (Map 65 of the Comprehensive plan) from “Suburban-Density Residential” & “Isolated Natural Resource Area” to “General Agricultural and Open land”, Farmland Protection & Isolated Natural Resource Area” on Tax Parcels 95-4-119-044-0400 & 95-4-119-091-0100located in the SE ¼ section $ & the NE ¼ of Section 9, T1N R19E.
- Consideration of recommendation of the Town of Wheatland Planning Board for Andrew B and Lucille A Lois Family Trust 7601 368 th Ave., Burlington WI 53105 (Owner) requests a rezoning from A-1 Agricultural Preservation District to A-2 General Agricultural District on part of Tax Parcel 95-4-119-044-0400, located in the SE ¼ section 4, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.
- Approval of the lowest acceptable bid for the raze of the Dressler Property at 7815 334 th Avenue, Burlington. Tax Parcel 95-4-119-111-3096.
- Closed Session of the Town Board to review considerations for 2025 essential emergency services options.