The Bristol Village Board is scheduled to meet Monday, starting at 7 p.m. at Village Hall.
Agenda items include:
- Discuss and consider for approval the request of Matthew and Jill Gillmore (Applicants/Owners) 14700104th Street, Kenosha, WI 53142 for a Conditional Use Permit for a secondary residence on Agricultural tax parcel# 37-4-121-233-0403, located in part of SW 1/4 SEC 23, Town 1, Range 21, Village of Bristol, Kenosha County and State of Wisconsin. For informational purposes, this property is located at 14700 104th Street (Hwy Q), between Hwy MB and 140th Avenue,
- Discuss and consider for approval the on the request of Brett Hickey, Kimley-Horn Associates 111 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1320, Chicago, IL 60604 (Applicant), Nutting Properties, LLC, 4606 200th A venue, Bristol, WI 53104 (Jay Nutting, Current Owner), and The Overland Group, LLC 1598 Imperial Center, Suite 2001, West Plains, MI (Developer) for a Site Plan Review Application for the proposed 12,480 sq. ft. Dollar General Retail Store on Tax Parcel 37-4-121-054-0415 Part of the E 1/2 SE 1/4 SEC 5 T 1 R 21), Village of Bristol, Kenosha County, Wisconsin. For informational purposes, the property is located at 18514 75th Street which is on the Northwest corner of Hwy 50 (75th Street) and County Hwy D (184th Ave.).
- Discuss and take possible action on the addition of a second polling place location in the Village.
- Discuss and consider for approval the proposals for the refrigeration for the walk-in cooler at the Beer Garden at Hansen Park.