Bristol residents will be able to vote in a contested election for village trustee in the spring election
On the April 2024 ballot will be:
- Ruth Atwood, an incumbent.
- Quentin Van Jackson.
- Chris Leker, an incumbent.
Two at-large seats will be filled. Voters will be able to vote for two candidates.
The same questionnaire was submitted by to each candidate by email.
Here, in alphabetical order is their biographical information, followed by their question responses:
Ruth Atwood — Age: No answer given; Education; no answer given; Occupation: Retired; Previous elected or appointed public office: Trustee over 25 years.
Quentin Van Jackson –– Age: 47 years of age; Education: Criminal justice/English major; Occupation: Business Owner Operator; Previous elected or appointed public office: Not by any means a politician, no political offices held.
Chris Leker — Age: 45; Education: Tremper High School; Occupation: Farmer; Previous elected or appointed public office: Current Village Board Trustee.
1.) Why are you the best candidate for village trustee?
Atwood — I never have an agenda. I always try to do what’s right for our village.
Jackson — Being the best candidate could be anyone that’s concerned about the local government and policies. Not being affiliated with a political party or with any local “ good ole boy” club means I’m focused on the village of Bristol’s best interest.
Leker — I am currently on the Village Board. I have a deep interest in how government works and its challenges. I am on the plan commission and village board and enjoy the opportunity to be on both. I feel that I make educated decisions that are in the best interest of our great community.
2.) What do you see as the chief issues faced by the Village Board and how would you address them if elected?
Atwood — Trying to keep Bristol natural and incorporate our future land use plan. Listening and doing my best as a trustee.
Jackson — Being that I’m at every board meeting the main issue I see is “transparency “. Closed door meetings equal,” we gotta keep this under wraps until the smoke clears”. Water tower, casino land sale, high interest loans taken by village, unethical business practices and lawsuits have all been under the radar because the administration and board chooses to keep the citizens out the loop. I believe all village meeting should be broadcast live or recorded so the working people of our town that can’t make the meeting can see what’s going on. We trust those we vote for to take our best interest at hand and Im confident that I can do that.
Leker — Keeping our community great while overseeing controlled growth that is in line with our future land use plan.