Spring election 2024: Randall School Board candidates Q&A

Voters in the Randall Consolidated School District will be able to vote in a contested election for school board in the spring election.

On the April 2 ballot will be:

  • Randy Nolan, an incumbent.
  • Lisa Stohr.
  • Mary Thornton, an incumbent.

Two seats will be filled. Voters will be able to cote for up to two candidates.

The same questionnaire was submitted by westofthei.com to each candidate by email.

Here, in alphabetical order is their biographical information, followed by their question responses:

Randy Nolan — Age: 56; Village, town, city where you reside: Powers Lake; Education Graduated from Randall Grade School, Wilmot High School, 4 years UW Milwaukee – Business Management; Occupation: Owner of Impressions Count Printing; Previous elected/appointed office: Board President – Wilmot High School, Clerk – Randall School Board Member.

Lisa Stohr — Age: 37; Village, town, city where you reside: Village of Twin Lakes; Education: Bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin Parkside Major – Criminal Justice; Occupation: Associate Director of Quality, Quality Systems, Medical Device; Previous elected/appointed public office: N/A.

Mary Thornton  — Age: I’m 39 years old. Village, town, city where you reside: I live in Burlington, close to Bassett. Education: I studied French at University of Dallas and the Sorbonne in Paris .Occupation: I’ve been fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom to my 6 children; Previous elected/appointed public office: Randall Board of Education April 2021.

1.) What do you feel is the most pressing issue facing the school district and how do you feel the School Board should address it?

Nolan — Student Achievement and Test Scores. We have created a positive culture in our school over the past 3 years.
Both students and staff are embracing the direction of Administration and the School Board. There was a 1-2 year hiccup in education due to covid, we are now seeing that gap being closed through the efforts of staff and students.

Stohr — I feel like there isn’t just one pressing issue, there are a few issues.  Some of the issue I see that Randall currently faces is ensuring the appropriate staff for the children’s needs, behavioral issues, and the level of the current state scores across all grades.  I think the school board needs to make sure there is solid open communication between the administration and the board at all times.

Thornton —  I think the biggest issue Randall is facing right now is improving our state report card and student achievement. As a board we have been working closely with the administration to address this and are committed to continued research, curriculum evaluation, and staff support, as well as exploring and growing our strengths: what practices have been inspiring our students to achieve? I love our school’s motto “empower excellence” and am proud to see our Board of Education goals aligning with it.

2.)  Why are you the best candidate for School Board?

Nolan — My years of experience and ability to work on the board with the main focus being on the betterment of our students. My understanding of school finance and my ability to work with all involved.

Stohr — I am the best candidate for the board because I have three children there and am highly motivated to see positive changes in Randall for all students.

Thornton — I’m privileged to have experience as Randall’s Board President and have a clear understanding of our school’s vision and goals. I also know which challenges we’re facing and have been working with our team to address them. I love our community and enjoy dedicating my time to serve its future, our kids.


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