The Bristol Village Board is scheduled to meet Monday, starting at 7 p.m. at Village Hall in Bristol.
Agenda items include:
- Public hearing and consider for approval an application for beer and liquor licenses for RARE Hospitality doing business as LongHorn Steakhouse, Justin Jones, agent, locate dat 7527 122nd Court, Bristol.
- Discussion and possible approval of a developer’s agreement with Bristol School District No. 1 for construction to extend the 83rd Street water main.
- Discuss and consider for approval of Resolution No. 24-2, a Resolution for the issuing of MRO #3 in the original area for Tax Incremental Finance District #1 to Bristol Business Parlr/Janko in the amount of $1,979,694.00 on February 12,2024.
- Discuss and consider for approval of Resolution No. 24-3, a Resolution the for issuing of MRO #4 in the original area for Tax Incremental Finance District #1 to Bristol Business Park/Janko in the amount of $2,600,000.00 on February 12,2A24.
- Discuss and consider for approval the Second Amendment to North Intersection Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) by and among Kenosha County (a Municipal corporation), Wisconsin, Bristol Highlands West, LLC (a Delaware limited liability company) and the Village of Bristol, Wisconsin.
- Discuss and consider for approval of the First Amendment to Tax incremental District Development Agreement Bristol Highlands Commerce Center (HSA East Property).
- Discuss and consider for approval of the First Amendment to Tax Incremental District Development Agreement Bristol Highlands Commerce Center (HSA West Property).
- Discuss and consider for approval of Resolution No. 24-4n a Resolution for the issuing of MRO #1in the original area for Tax Incremental Finance District #2 to Bristol Highlands industrial LLC/I{AS in the amount of $4,332,060.57.
- Discuss and consider for approval a donation to the Annual Deputy Friendly Safety Poster Contest.
- Discuss and consider for approval to authorize the Village Administrator to seek bids for street trees.
- Consider for approval authorizing village administrator to seek bids for possible beer garden vendor for the new pavilion in Hansen Park.
- Discuss and consider possible action on expanding ATVs, UTVs and golf carts to all village roads.