The Salem Lakes Village Board is scheduled to meet Monday, starting at 6 p.m. at Village Hall in Salem.
You can view this meeting live and afterwards here.
Agenda items include:
- Discussion on an ordinance repealing and replacing provisions of Chaper186 Article IV of Municipal Code of the Village of Salem Lakes regarding chickens in residential areas.
- Discussion regarding the results of the traffic study on Rock Lake Road.
- Update and discussion on Village Finance Director / Treasurer vacancy and candidate search, including salary range.
- Discussion and possible action on the purchase of a replacement variable frequency drive for pump 3, lift station 8 (10935 269th Avenue) from Starnet Technologies in the amount of $4,675.00.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Fuel Station Software/Hardware upgrade for up to $18,133.00.
- ATV/ UTV Ordinance discussion.
- Closed session regarding litigation in which the village is or may be involved), specifically concerning Mary Griegel claim and Lori Kerber claim.
- Closed session regarding land sale negotiations of property to the Sharing Center; and sale of Heavy Rescue Truck with Paddock Lake.