The Wheatland Town Board is scheduled to hold a meeting Monday, starting at 6 p.m. at Town Hall in New Munster.
Agenda items include:
- “Offer to Purchase” from Wayne Kaddatz for #95-4-219-314-0610 – consideration and action on offer.
- Wheatland Diesel Services, LLC, William & Janet Joerndt, and Cody Joerndt, 6812 Brever Rd., Burlington, WI Conditional Use Permit application to operate an auto/diesel repair shop at 4621, 328th Ave., Tax Parcel 95-4-219-362-0320.
- Request of the fire department to purchase air packs to replace ones which are soon to be outdated: a. Consideration of quotes from three and possibly a fourth company and action on purchase; b. Approve the use of federal ARPA funds for the purchase; c. Resolution No. 2023-003 – Amend the 2023 town budget to include the air pack purchase.
- ATV travel on town roads – continuing discussion.
- Lily Lake Summerhaven Association activity requests for the summer: a. July 1, 11 am parade – close Lily Lake Road from 334th Ave. to 76th St. supply garbage cans and barricades; Donation of $100 to support parade activities; July 8 – “Get to Know Your Lake” activity at the public boat launch; July 22 and August 19 – movie night at the beach; May 20, 1 p.m. Spring meeting at Town Hall & August 19, 10 am at Town Hall.
- Purchase approval – 6’ bench for Lilly Lake Public Beach – funded by donation from Lily Lake Summerhaven
Association last year.