Twin Lakes approves agreement with county for East Lakeshore Drive rehab

Click for larger view /Kenosha County map

The Twin Lakes Village Board on Monday approved an intergovernmental agreement with Kenosha County for a project that will repave East Lakeshore Drive (county Highway EM), improve storm sewers in along the road and create a safer area for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The village will pay a portion of the cost. Cost breakdown is:

  • State funding from the Local Road Improvement Program $985,000.
  • Funding from county $1.425 million
  • Twin Lakes $250,000.
  • Other sources (perhaps grants): $200,000.

Ray Arbet, Kenosha County public works director, gave a presentation on the project to the Village Board at a special meeting Monday night.

The county had originally proposed to only repave the 2.6 miles of road, but discussion with the village opened up the idea of incorporating some kind of addition to the project that would allow for safer pedestrian and bicycle access, Arbet said.

What was settled on was the creation of an “enhanced shoulder,” Arbet said. A true multi-purpose path was not feasible due to the topography of the road, which changes elevation and has many turns, as well as requirements for that kind of construction if state or federal government fnding is used.

“That area is pretty challenged from a topography standpoint,” Arbet said. The enhanced shoulder will not be extended along the entire 2.6 miles.

The intergovernmental agreement lays out a schedule for the project of:

  • Design development Jan. 1-Oct., 1 2022.
  • Advertise for bids Nov. 15-Dec. 15, 2022.
  • Bid review and award Dec. 15, 2022-Jan. 15, 2023.
  • Project construction sometime during April 15-Oct. 15, 2023.

Village officials were enthusiastic about the project.

“I love the idea,” said Trustee Kevin Fitzgerald.

“It’s either now, or it’s not going to be done for some time,” said Trustee Aaron Karow, who also expressed some concern that the rehabbed road might actually induce some people to drive too fast.

The intergovernmental agreement was approved unanimously with all members present.

Arbet said later on Monday he was going to make a presentation about the project to the County Board Public Works Committee.


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