The creation of a lake management district with taxing authority and a territory limited to properties adjacent to Silver Lake will be the subject of a public meeting at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 29 at the Silver Lake Sportsman’s Club, 27021 85th St.
The meeting is being hosted by a group of residents leading the effort to create the new district. This meeting is geared toward those who don’t already know about the proposed Silver Lake Management District, said Jeffrey Bell, one of the leaders of the effort to create the district.
The proposed Silver Lake Management District will include 178 properties, all of which are adjacent to the lake. No other properties would be able to be taxed by the proposed district. The proposed district does not include publicly owned lands on the lake – Silver Lake County Park, the Salem Lakes Village beach and launching ramp, and the WDNR launching ramp and natural area.
The included properties have a total assessed value of approximately $63.6 million and pay annual real estate tax of approximately $1.15 million, those behind the drive to create the new district say. The group estimates an annual tax rate for the effected properties of $0.70 per $1,000 of assessment. That would equal $175 per year on a property assessed at $250,000.
The key reason to create the district is to have a consistent funding source to battle Eurasion milfoil on the lake. Milfoil can choke out native species and making sections of a lake impassible when the weeds reach the surface in late summer. Silver Lake is prone to milfoil invasion because that is likes clear water and depths of less than 10
feet, both of which are common on Silver Lake.
Progress was made against the invasive weed in recent years by the Silver Lake Protection Association. However, that group does not have a reliable source of funding since it lacks taxing authority and consequently its current ability to contract for more weed treatment is coming to an end.
Those behind the drive believe the new district would “make a positive difference in the environmental and recreational well-being of Silver Lake,” Bell said.
Similar districts exist for Paddock Lake, Lakes Mary and Elizabeth in Twin Lakes, Hooker Lake and Powers Lake.
The residents will need to petition Kenosha County to create the district. The group has consulted with an attorney familiar with lake district creation. A petition signing meeting for property owners in the district will be held June 26, at the Copper Bottom Bar & Grill, 28836 Silver Lake Road, Salem.