Note: All numbers are cumulative since data started being reported in early 2020, unless otherwise noted. — DH
Kenosha County Public Heath is reporting 15,400 total positive COVID-19 test results in Kenosha County as of Tuesday. That’s 33 more than Monday. There have been 302 COVID-19 deaths in Kenosha County. Kenosha County Public Health is reporting 76,712 negative test results.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services is reporting a positive rate of 9,164/100,000 people and a 2.0 percent case fatality rate in Kenosha County as of Tuesday.
In Kenosha County, 37.62 percent of the population has had at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination and 29.17 percent are fully vaccinated as of Tuesday, reports Kenosha County Public Health.
Kenosha County Public Health is reporting the following total positive COVID-19 test results for Western Kenosha County as of Tuesday:
- Bristol — 424 cases (1 more than Monday)
- Paddock Lake — 269 cases (1 more than Monday)
- Salem Lakes — 1,0263 cases (3 more than Monday)
- Randall — 227 cases (2 more than Monday)
- Twin Lakes — 397 cases
- Wheatland — 251 cases (1 more than Monday)
- Paris — 98 cases
- Brighton — 114 cases
All other county cases reported above are from Kenosha, Somers and Pleasant Prairie.
Here are Kenosha County COVID-19 daily positives and negatives over time:
Here are Kenosha County COVID-19 positives as a percentage of daily tests over time along with a 14-day moving average (Note: Moving average has been paused due to adjustment of positives for March 5, 6 and 17– DH):
The Kenosha County Division of Health announced Kenosha County’s first case of COVID-19 coronavirus on March 16, 2020.
Wisconsin DHS is reporting 595,864 positive tests and 2,833,669 negative tests with 6,773 deaths statewide as of Tuesday.
In Lake County, Ill., where many people from Kenosha County work, there have been 59,390 positives as of Tuesday.