A word from our sponsors: Twin Lakes Area Chamber & Business Association to host WinterFest Pond Ice Hockey Tournaments Feb. 13

Note: This is a paid announcement from Twin Lakes Chamber & Business Association. — DH

The Twin Lakes Area Chamber & Business Association is hosting a new event this winter: the WinterFest Pond Ice Hockey Tournaments at Lance Park in Twin Lakes on Feb. 13, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Pond Ice Hockey Tournament at Lance Park on Lake Mary will be 4 on 4. There will be three divsions: under 10, 10 to 14 and 14 to adult. Games will consist of two, 13-minute halves with a running clock and a 2-minute break between halves. Two game guarantee. FEE: $200 per team. Teams can have 4 to 8 players.

Email the chamber for more information or to register for the tournament at tlareachamber@gmail.com.

This event is so new the chamber doesn’t have all the details yet. Other activities that are being considered are Broom Ball, open skating, snow painting, craft vendors and more. There will be hot drinks and a beer tent. Food vendors are being sought. There will be a 50/50 raffle benefiting the TLFD ATV fundraiser, Twin Lakes Food Pantry and other Chamber community events.

If you are interested in playing, volunteering, or sponsoring the event, email the chamber at info@twinlakeschamber.com.

The chamber would like to thank Todd Renn from Twin Lakes Marine and the Twin Lakes Fire Department for helping get a rink prepared on the lake. Chamber Board Director Tim Hodgman from Health Markets Insurance is coordinating the event and the tournament if you would like to help.

Masks and social distancing are strongly recommended when not playing or if your just coming to watch and enjoy.


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