Bristol recently uncovered two dams obstructing drainage on the Dutch Gap canal with an assist from the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department surveillance drone.
Removing such obstructions is key to getting the canal to drain better, which affects areas of the village from Lake George south.
The drone was flown over an area of the canal that the village does not have access to. Now that the obstructions have been identified the village will hire someone to remove them.
When the dams or other obstructions are gone, village administrator Randy Kerkman said he expects water in the canal to drop, maybe as much of a foot. That should mean better drainage.
But with every good side there seems to be a bad. The lower level may well reveal new obstructions that have been covered over and now will have to be removed, Kerkman said.
In other words, start the process again.
Meanwhile, the use of the drone was so successful Kerkman is contemplating calling on the Sheriff’s Department again to fly over other waterways in the village to see if there are potential drainage problems there.
Apparently a drone’s work is never done.