Spring Election 2019: Randall supervisor #1 Q&A

Voters in Randall will be able to vote in a contested election for supervisor #1 in the April 2 election.

Incumbent Lauren Fox is being challenged by Julie Horbach.

The same questionnaire was submitted by westofthei.com to each candidate by email.

Here is their biographical information followed by their question responses, presented in alphabetical order:

Lauren Fox — Age: 71. Education: Wilmot Union High School. Occupation: Retired with 28 years as a supervisor with the  Kenosha County Department of Human Services. Previous elected offices: 1993 to 2005 Chairman, Town of Randall, 2007 to 2012 Town of  Randall Ethics Committee, 2012 to present Town of Randall Supervisor.

Julie Horbach — Age; No answer submitted. Education: Wilmot Union High School. Occupation: Treasurer, Town of Randall 20 years (retired). Judicial Assistant Twin Lakes Municipal Court 20 years (retired). Previous elected office: Elected Town of Randall Treasurer for 20 years.

1.) Why are you the best choice for supervisor #1?

Fox — I have over 20 years of experience working with the laws and policies that govern town government.  Town government is the closest form of government to the citizens it serves and having experience in resolution of issues that effect everyday life plays a major role.  Being a supervisor entails tasks from cleaning the town hall to developing ordinances and budgets that keep roads in repair, lakes patrolled and a well equipped volunteer fire department. These have all been accomplished through careful budgeting which has allowed town property taxes to be the lowest in Kenosha County from towns that collect property taxes.  Maintaining fiscal reserves to ensure favorable bond ratings in the event of unforeseen expenses while having sufficient budgeted funds to complete needed projects is the goal of every budget cycle that experience plays a role.  Public input at the yearly budget hearing is the event which allows for transparency to town citizens to show where their tax dollars are being allocated and experience in fiscal issues allows for full explanations to questions.

Horbach — Sometimes when one has a position too long, complacency sets in. I will bring new energy, a fresh perspective and a strong willingness to serve the residents of the Town of Randall.

2.) What do you see as the chief challenges that the town faces?

Fox — The chief challenge we face is keeping property taxes low while providing needing services.  Working with the Department of Transportation and Kenosha County with the expansion of Hwy F and listening to the concerns of affected land owners is also a challenge.  While we may not be able to change the trajectory of the road placement, we can make their and the town’s concerns known and find a reasonable solution.  Our parks and lakes require upkeep at a level that ensures safety for users from lake patrolling to park equipment with the challenge of budgeting funds to ensure those issues are met.

Horbach — Community outreach would be an essential goal. The Board represents the residents and should always welcome their ideas and concerns. I don’t feel that this is always accomplished now. With the certain possibility of the town landscape changing, it is vital that we hear from our residents about their ideas and concerns. A big challenge would be to keep the mill rate as low as possible. Being the former Treasurer, I have insight on budgeting and financial matters and will keep a watchful eye on all expenditures. Just to give you an example, at this year’s budget meeting I noticed the town had 1.2 million in a savings account. I felt it would be responsible at the very least to reduce the mill rate by the interest received on
this 1.2 million. No action was taken.

3.) What would be your top initiatives for the next term if you are elected?

Fox — I believe that our town still maintains a small town atmosphere and will continue to strive to maintain the same.  I grew up in Randall and may goal is to maintain its history as a friendly place to raise families while having development occur at a rate that doesn’t affect our ability to maintain current neighborhood services.  Our town hall is a landmark of our history and I am in favor of making low cost upgrades such as electrical and space configuration to keep the hall in working order.  Working with neighboring communities to find common issues and possible solutions involving cooperation for outcomes. Continue the practice using a bid process for obtaining cost savings for trash, road projects and needed services. I will continue to listen to concerns from citizens with an open mind and respect while finding solutions to problems.  In short, keeping the Town of Randall a place where generations can grow up as I did while moving ahead into the future with confidence our town government will govern with the needs of its citizens as it’s priority.

Horbach — My very first initiative would be to make the town hall welcoming whether it be coming to a meeting, voicing grievances, getting a permit, or just coming in the town hall to pay taxes. We are here to service the residents.


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