A word from our sponsors: Froedtert South hosting Walk-In Wednesday on July 18 for CNAs

Note: Froedtert South is a westofthei.com sponsor. This is a paid announcement. — DH

Are you looking for a certified nursing assistant position? Then Froedtert South’s hosting Walk-In Wednesday on July 18 for CNAs is for you.

Human resources and nursing managers will be offering on the spot interviews for all certified CNA candidates. Dress professional and bring a resume. RSVP by Monday, July 16 at 262-577-8519 or HR@froedtertsouth.com. RSVP recommended, but not required.

Walk-In Wednesday will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Medical Center, 9555 76th St., Pleasant Prairie, main entrance atrium.

Interested in becoming a CNA? Representatives will be available to answer any questions.


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