/Photo by Jonathan Schieffer via freeimages.com
Silver Lake County Park beach is under swimming caution after testing on Tuesday showed elevated E.coli levels there.
Cautions are issued for results of more than 235 E.coli/100 mL. Beaches are closed to swimming for a test result of more than 1,000 E.coli/100 mL.
Tuesday’s result at Silver Lake County Park beach was: 345 E.coli/100 mL.
Other results reported Wednesday, June 6, 2018 by the Kenosha County Division of Health were:
- Randall — Powers Lake, 3 E.coli/100 mL.
- Salem Lakes — Silver Lake at DeWitt Park Beach, 13 E.coli/100 mL; Silver Lake at Silver Lake County Park beach 345 E.coli/100 mL; Center Lake, 222 E.coli/100 mL; Camp Lake, 4 E.coli/100 mL; Rock Lake, 2 E.coli/100 mL, Lake Shangri La #1, 172 E.coli/100 mL.
- Paddock Lake — Old Settlers County Park beach, 5 E.coli/100 mL; North Shore Beach Association, 12 E.coli/100 mL; Hoag Beach, 6 E.coli/100 mL; Paddock-Hooker Lake Association Beach, 19 E.coli/100 mL.
- Wheatland — Lilly Lake, 1 E.coli/100 mL.
- Twin Lakes — Lake Elizabeth at Lance Park, 2 E.coli/100 mL.
The State Department of Health recommends posting warnings at beaches when the test results indicate a E.coli level of 300/100ml or more and closing a beach when test results exceed E.coli 1000/100ml. Wheatland (Lilly Lake) has a policy of posting an advisory for a level of E.coli 235/100 mL or more and closing a beach when test results exceed E.coli 1000/100ml.
UPDATE June 8 — Caution for Silver Lake County Park Beach removed after retest.
Very interesting..I wonder where it is coming from.
@Diane- It’s probably coming from the geese poop. Have you ever seen how many geese are out there in the evening or at night? It’s too many! The DNR has to do some sort of population control, or some sort sort of deterrent.