Posts from ‘March, 2018’

Units responding for fire in Wheatland

At about 5:27 p.m., Town of Wheatland Fire Department and Silver Lake Rescue Squad units are responding to a report of a fire in the 31900 block of Geneva Roiad (Highway 50) in Wheatland. Per dispatch: Fire being reported as in ditch line. Employee of a nearby business has tried to put fire out, but […]

Wheatland Center School students participate in 2018 Spring STEAM challenge

Wheatland Center School students participated in the school’s Spring STEAM challenge Friday. From a news release from the school: Wheatland Center School students participated in the culminating activity for their month-long Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Challenge on Friday.  Megan Zirbel, Wheatland’s science teacher and STEAM coordinator, organized and planned the event. Elementary students […]

A word from our sponsors: Twin Lakes Area Chamber and Business Association reverse raffle is April 18; Grand Prize is $8,000!

The Twin Lakes Area Chamber and Business Association is a sponsor. This is a paid announcement — DH Be sure to get your ticket for the 2018 Twin Lakes Area Chamber and Business Association Reverse Raffle. The raffle drawing takes place at the Twin Lakes Country Club on April 18. Buffet dinner at 6 […]

Sarah Hutchinson to play for UW-Whitewater softball

Sarah Hutchinson, of Twin Lakes and graduate of Wilmot Union High School, will compete for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater softball team during the 2018 season, which begins this week. Hutchinson, a freshman at UW-Whitewater, is majoring in general management. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater softball team looks to continue its extraordinary run of success within the […]

A word from our sponsors: New Life Bible Church to hold Easter Sunday service at Wheatland Center School April 1

Note: New Life Bible Church is advertising this service at This is a paid announcement. — DH Everyone is invited to celebrate Easter Sunday with New Life Bible Church, which will be holding Easter Sunday Service at Wheatland Center School starting at 10:30 a.m. on April 1. This non-denominational service will include: Live music. […]

Deaths March 25, 2018: Patricia A. Mooney, Kenneth Hinzpeter

This post sponsored by Westosha Floral. The following deaths of local residents and those with local connections are being reported by funeral homes today. Click on name to see obituary/service information: ShareTweet0 Shares

Deal of the Day: Breezy Hill Nursery $25 gift card half off

Have you heard about our feature at West of the I called Deal of the Day? It offers you great values on goods and services from local businesses. Here’s how it works. We offer a gift certificate or gift card from a local business for half price of its face value. For example, you get […]

Units responding for alarm in Twin Lakes

At about 2:26 p.m., Twin Lakes Fire Department units are responding to the 300 block of Indian Point Road in Twin Lakes for a carbon monoxide alarm. Share30Tweet30 Shares

Units responding for alarm in Wheatland

At about 1:42 p.m., Town of Wheatland Fire Department and Twin Lakes Rescue units are responding for an alarm in the 6500 block of 275th Avenue in Wheatland. UPDATE 1:46 p.m. — Fire unit arriving on scene reports no signs of fire from exterior visible. UPDATE 1:49 p.m. — Per dispatch: Confirmed false alarm. Share3Tweet3 […]

2018 Randall Fire Department Easter Egg Hunt coverage (PHOTOS)

The Randall Fire Department hosted its annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday at Station No. 1 in Powers Lake. The event was free to children 3-11 years old. Besides the hunt, it also included games and activities. Here are some more photos: Share27Tweet27 Shares

A word from our sponsors: March 25, 2018 open houses from Bear Realty’s Glenda and Butch Dupons

Note: Glenda and Butch Dupons, of Bear Realty, are sponsors. This is a paid announcement — DH Here are open houses being hosted today by Glenda and Butch Dupons, of Bear Realty (click the links below for more information) 11314 Bristol Rd, Bristol 4605 352nd Ave, Wheatland (Burlington) 11801 187th Ave, Bristol 3223 47th […]

2018 Westosha Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt coverage

The Westosha Kiwanis Club held its annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday. The event was held at Salem School. Though by the calendar it’s been spring for the better part of a week, winter-like temps on Saturday did not deter the young hunters from scooping up eggs. The Easter Bunny arrived via Salem Lakes Fire/Rescue engine […]

Deaths March 24, 2018: Timothy A. Linn, Alvin A. Peterson Jr.

This post sponsored by Westosha Floral. The following deaths of local residents and those with local connections are being reported by funeral homes today. Click on name to see obituary/service information: ShareTweet0 Shares

2018 Salem Lakes egg hunt and Eggstravagansa coverage (PHOTOS)

Salem Lakes hosted its Easter egg hunt and Eggstravaganza Saturday. While both events were also held last year, this year both were on the same day. The egg hunt took place at Schmalfeldt Park in Silver Lake at 10 a.m. That was followed by the Eggstravagansa at Salem Lakes Village Hall at 11 a.m. A new […]

Lakewood School donates computers for distribution by The Sharing Center

Lakewood School has donated 45 Gateway Netbooks to the Sharing Center. The center will make the computers available to local students who might need them, said The Sharing Center executive director Sharon Pomaville. “We will work directly with each Western Kenosha County school and Headstart to assist any student needs these may fill,” Pomaville said. Rich […]

Units responding for fire in Salem

At about 2:40 p.m., Salem Lakes Fire/Rescue units and sheriff’s deputies are responding to a report of a field fire in the 26400 block of 89th Street in Salem. UPDATE 2:47 p.m. — Deputies shutting down traffic on Highway AH (89th Street). Grass rig from Salem Lakes Station No. 1 responding and Salem Lakes Station […]

Local fire departmnts responding to Kenosha for mutual aid

At about 1:33 p.m., Western Kenosha County fire departments are responding for mutual aid to the Kenosha Fire Department which is fighting an apartment building fire in the 8600 block of 22nd Avenue in Kenosha. Salem Lakes Fire/Rescue and Bristol Fire and Rescue are responding to staff Kenosha stations. UPDATE about 2 p.m. — Box […]

Units responding to accident in Paddock Lake

11:07 – Salem Lakes Fire/Rescue units are responding to a two-vehicle injury accident in the 7400 block of 256th Ave. in Paddock Lake. UPDATE about 11:32 a.m. — Scene is just north of intersection. Southbound traffic on Highway 83 blocked. Deputies also on the scene. UPDATE about 11:34 a.m. — Fire units leaving the scene. […]

Central HS students say “Dude, be Nice”

A week of focusing on showing kindness to others at Central High School culminated in an assembly with an inspirational speaker, a three-point shot competition, a tug of war and recognition of supportive students and local businesses. The assembly held at the end of the school day Friday capped off Dude, Be Nice week. The […]

Local fire department responding for aid to Racine County

At about 7:32 p.m., Salem Lakes Fie/Rescue is responding to a box alarm activated by the Rochester Fire Department for a brush fire at Lowaland Avenue and Clark Street in Rochester. Salem Lakes is requested to respond with an ambulance. ShareTweet0 Shares

Units responding for fire on I-94

At about 6:10 p.m., Bristol Fire and Rescue, Pleasant Prairie Fire and Rescue and Kenosha Fire Department units are responding to a report of a vehicle fire in the 3800 block of the northbound lanes of I-94. UPDATE about 6:12 p.m. — Per dispatch: Caller reports smoke coming from a truck on the  outside shoulder. […]

Deal of the Day: Hill Country Market $25 gift card half off

Have you heard about our feature at West of the I called Deal of the Day? It offers you great values on goods and services from local businesses. Here’s how it works. We offer a gift certificate or gift card from a local business for half price of its face value. For example, you get […]

Emily Svejnoha graduates from Harding University

Emily Svejnoha of Twin Lakes is one of more than 400 graduates who received a diploma at Harding University’s commencement exercises Dec. 16, 2017. Svejnoha received a Master of Science in physician assistant studies. Graduates include students from the College of Allied Health, College of Arts and Humanities, College of Bible and Ministry, Paul R. […]

A word from our sponsors: Come drive a bus with Dousman Transport

Note: Dousman Transport is a sponsor. This is a paid announcement. — DH Dousman Transport is looking for a few good individuals to join its bus driving team based at its facility in Wilmot. Driving a bus with Dousman has a number of advantages, such as: Bring pre-school age children along with you on […]

Units responding for crash in Cross Lake

At about 8:03 a.m., Salem Lakes Fire/Rescue is responding for a crash in the 23200 block of 122nd Street in the Cross Lake neighborhood. Per dispatch: Single vehicle in the ditch. Airbag deployed. Deputy already on the scene. ShareTweet0 Shares

Wilmot Union High School first semester 2017-18 honor roll

Note: This post is sponsored by Skinner’s Service, Inc. — DH. The following students were named to the Wilmot Union High School honor roll for the first semester of the 2017-18 school year: Freshmen — Taylor Albrecht, Joshua Amenson, Savana Andershock, Danielle Aronson, Jack Awe, Braiden Beagle, Kaelyn Bedessem, Amanda Bossong, Ayden Brey, Sydney Brock, Madison Brockway, Anastasia Brooks, Donovan Brousil, Anna Carroll, Benjamin Carroll, Casey Christiansen, Garrett Christiansen, Hannah Clark, Dylan Collins, Ernesto Cosio, Caleb […]

A word from our sponsors: Jr. Panthers registration and FUNdraising event March 24 at TraXside Skating

Note: Western Kenosha County Youth Football and Cheer Program is a sponsors. This is a paid announcement. — DH Western Kenosha County Youth Football and Cheer Program Junior Panthers is hosting an in-person registration and FUNdraising event at TraXside Skating in Burlington from 4 to 6 p.m., on March 24. Tickets are $9 and […]

Deaths March 22, 2018: Gerald G. Axtell, Noreen T. Zbella, Ruth M. Trussell

This post sponsored by Westosha Floral. The following deaths of local residents and those with local connections are being reported by funeral homes today. Click on name to see obituary/service information: ShareTweet0 Shares

It’s time to pre-order lamb cakes from Schultz-Hahn American Legion Auxiliary; Bake sale is March 30

The Schultz-Hahn American Legion Auxiliary will hold its annual Good Friday Bake Sale on Friday, March 30. The bake sale will be held at the American Legion Hall on North Cogswell Drive in Silver Lake. You may pre-order your Lamb Cakes through March 26. The cost is $15 per cake. To place your order call […]

Units responding for fire in Wheatland

At about 2:10 p.m., Town of Wheatland Fire Department, Randall Fire Department and Twin Lakes Rescue units and sheriff’s deputies are responding to a report of a large field fire in the 3400 block of 392nd Avenue in Wheatland. UPDATE 2:27 p.m. — Dispatch reports fire is knocked down. Share9Tweet9 Shares

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