Voters in county board District 20 will be able to cast a ballot in a contested county supervisor race on April 3.
The 20th District includes Paddock Lake and part of Salem Lakes (see map above).
The same questionnaire was submitted by to each candidate, by email or by mail.
Here is their biographical information, followed by their question responses:
John K. Poole — Age: 70. Village, town, city where you reside: Paddock Lake. Education: BS in Accounting. Occupation: County Board Supervisor. Previous elected or governmental experience: Elected in 2014 and 2016 to Kenosha County Board.
Amy Wagner — Age: 58. Village, town, city where you reside: Salem. Education: B.A. Columbia College, Chicago; Master of Education Carthage College. Occupation: Teacher. Previous elected/appointed public office: None
1.) What will you do as county supervisor to advance the interests of Western Kenosha County?
Poole — I will meet with the village boards to see what their needs are and discuss how the county can assist in meeting those needs. I will also work to manage the growth that Foxconn and businesses will bring to our area. I will rely on my experience on the Planning and Development committee to work to preserve our natural resources and the rural character of Western Kenosha County.
Wagner — As we grow, we need to carefully plan to keep and improve a high quality of living for all residents. As county board supervisor, I will maintain an open and honest communication with the residents of District 20 to ensure that their voices are heard at the county board level. Because our county population continues to increase, so too does the need for our attention to public safety, which includes maintenance of roads, our sheriff’s department, mental health and human services, practical solutions to severe weather damage and clean water for all families.
2.) What are your top priorities if elected to the County Board?
Poole — My top priority is keeping property taxes low to allow seniors to stay in their homes and new families to afford their first house. I will work to let growth in the tax base drive spending in the county.
Wagner — Our county’s population continues to increase making the top issues for the Kenosha County Board today public safety, maintaining our infrastructure, and expanding mental health and human service delivery systems for Western Kenosha County as we grow. With the opioid crisis literally In our backyard, we must continue to support programs such as First Offender and Vivitrol and utilize mental health services to help decrease the likelihood of an individual becoming drug dependent. District 20 and all of Kenosha County deserve board representation that supports these things to ensure the overall welfare of all county residents
3.) Why are you the best choice for county supervisor?
Poole — My accounting background is a great asset when reviewing the annual budget. I also attend most Salem Lakes and Paddock Lake board meetings to know what issues they are having and what their plans are for their communities. I am on the Paddock Lake TID district board and attend Council on Governments meetings and school board meetings throughout the year. These meetings give me knowledge about the needs in Kenosha County and opportunities to meet constituents and talk about their issues.
Wagner — I am the best choice for county board supervisor for District 20 because I put people first. As a teacher, I will do my homework to make sure that I have a clear understanding of the implications of any decision I make on behalf of those I will be serving. I am willing to listen and to employ ideas that are not only fiscally sound but also reap the greatest benefit for the county.