From left: Bert Christensen, Garrett Pongratz., Eric Andersen and Scott Kessler. /Submitted photo
The Wisconsin Technology Education Association has notified the teachers of the Technology and Engineering Department at Westosha Central High School that their program was selected for the 2017 Outstanding High School Technology Education Program Award.
This award provides recognition to a *high school that delivers an outstanding program which provides students with rigorous training and skill development in the areas and concepts of technology and engineering. It is a state award, only given to one school annually.
The Central teachers will receive their award at the Annual WTEA Conference in the Wisconsin Dells on March 2.
It’s great to see that Scott Kessler is still there after all this time! He taught me time management and even that failure may occur from time to time
given up should never be an acceptable option. Congratulations Scott Kessler
And congratulations to Westosha for you have been awarded with having Scott