Clown attire and make-up banned from Central HS homecoming game versus Wilmot Friday

People doing menacing things in clown attire has been making the news lately across the country.

As a proactive move, Central High School officials decided to ban the wearing of clown clothing and make-up to Friday night’s homecoming football game, which just happens to be versus rival Wilmot.

The following message was distributed through the school’s email communication system:

Any person attending the football game on Friday wearing either attire deemed as referencing clown outfits or face paint will be removed from the premises by the Kenosha Sheriffs Department.”

“We received several reports from parents and students about a Twitter account called WCHS Clown, which had postings indicating they were going to be at the game,” Central Principal Lisa Albrecht said. Those tweets have since deleted, but there were rumors circulating that kids, as a form of a joke — whether from Central or Wilmot — were going to dress up as clowns, she added.

“We were unable to verify these rumors,” Albrecht said in an email to “Nevertheless,  in light of stories on the news and in the paper, people (students and parents) have expressed concerns.  So to give all a fair warning, we wanted all students and parents to know our position.”

A similar notice was made to Wilmot students who might be planning to attend the game, Albrecht said.

The creepy clown phenomenon seems to have started in South Carolina, after reports of people dressed in clown attire in some woods near Greenville. Then it spread.

A Lake County, Illinois  news website did a round up of local law enforcement about clown sightings. Just this week, a Waukegan school was put on lock down after a sighting reported by students, but it was later confirmed to be a hoax.


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