A word from our sponsors: St. Alphonsus GREAT Nite Out is Feb. 13

st-alphonsus-great-nite-2016-webNote: St. Alphonsus has advertised this event with westofthei.com.  This is a paid announcement. — DH

St. Alphonsus Church will host its 27th Annual GREAT Nite Out on Saturday, Feb. 13, from 7 p.m. to mat Bella Vita Banquet Hall (formerly Marino’s Banquet Hall), 34816 Geneva Rd., New Munster.

The event is a fun-filled evening of Games, Raffles, Eats And Togetherness. The GREAT Nite Out is for everyone over the age of eighteen from the parish and surrounding community to socialize, play cards or games and enter the evenings raffle drawings. Prizes include Coach purses, electronics, power tools, and hundreds of other raffle prizes. No alcohol carry-ins allowed.

Beer, soda, snacks, cards and a late night sandwich are included with your $12 admission.

If you would like information about sponsorship, donating or attending the GREAT Nite out, please call the parish at 537-4370.


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