Twin Lakes Area Food Pantry thanks 2015 donors

food-tub-sxc_optThe following message is from the Twin Lakes Area Food Pantry Board of Directors:

The Twin Lakes Area Food Pantry (TLAFP) would gratefully like to thank all the area merchants, organizations, and individuals who have helped us this past year through donations of food, money and time. With your support, we have been able to provide food to 1,006 families in 2015. Thank you for your help, and we hope we can look forward to your continuing support.

We would also like to give a very special thank you to one of the TLAFP clients. One a Tuesday evening in November, a pantry volunteer realized he lost his wedding band. After a grueling search of the pantry, the ring could not be found. In January, a TLAFP client returned for assistance and informed the volunteers that she found the ring in her box of  food. On behalf of the TLAFP and all the volunteers, Thank You!

The Twin Lakes Area Food Pantry, Inc.

Board of Directors


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