Touring BMX cyclists bring anti-bullying message to Central HS

chs-anti-bullting-bmx-topThe ASA No Place for Hate High School Tour came to Central High School Tuesday.

The all-school assembly combined feats of flatland and high flying BMX bicycle riding and anti-bullying messages such as:

“Eighty eight percent of students with social media accounts will see cyber bullying at least one time.”

“Embrace your differences, Get to know people, don’t judge them.”

“This show is about fun, but it has a serious message. Please be nice to each other.”

Here is some video of one of the BMX stunts that used some student volunteers:

Here is some video of one of the BMX riders demonstrating flatland riding techniques:

Here is some video of BMX ramp jumping from the assembly:

Afterwards students were able to talk to the BMXers as well as some representatives of the US Marine Corps, a sponsor of the tour.

Here are some more photos:







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