Voters in the Randall School district will be able to vote Tuesday on a referendum seeking authority to exceed the district’s revenue limit.
The board is seeking to exceed the revenue limit by $460,000 for three years on a non‐recurring basis.
District administrator John Gendron said the $460,000, based on district projections, would keep the tax rate for the district the same as it is now for the first two years of the referendum period ($6.61/$1,000 of assessed valuation), with a possible decrease in the last year.
The additional revenue will help make up projected budget deficits brought on by decreases in state aid and tax levy, Gendron said. For example, he pointed out that the district has seen a $1 million decrease in revenue limit since 2009 and about a 51 percent decrease in state aid during about the same period.
The referendum funds, if approved, also would be earmarked for several other purposes including $51,000 for facility projects, $120,000 to fund the purchase of one or maybe two buses and $90,000 to help restore a 15 percent fund balance, Gendron said.
Randall voters have not faced a referendum since 2001, which was for a building issue. The last one before that was 1993.
Note: We expect to have results after the voting Tuesday. Check back. — DH