Units responding to smoke at business in Paddock Lake

Photo by kconnors via morgueFile.com

Photo by kconnors via morgueFile.com

At about 6:58 a.m., Town of Salem Fire/Rescue and Bristol Fire and Rescue units and sheriff”s deputies are responding to a report of smoke in a business in the 7800 block of Antioch Road (Highway 83) in Paddock Lake.

UPDATE 7:01 a.m. — Deputy on the scene reports that no flames seen. Overhead doors have been opened to air out building, which houses a car dealership and service business.

UPDATE 7:06 a.m. — Smoke attributed to parts washer. Bristol FD units released from responding and are returning to quarters.

UPDATE 7:11 a.m. — Most Salem FD units clearing the scene and returning to quarters.

UPDATE 7:14 a.m. — All remaining Salem FD units clearing the scene and returning to quarters.


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