Salem Town Board supports state bill on municipal roundabout approval

town-of-salem-sign-webThe Salem Town Board approved a resolution Monday supporting a State Assembly bill that would give municipalities approval over road roundabouts placed in their boundaries.

The resolution supporting the bill passed unanimously with Supervisor Mike Culat absent.

Supervisor Dan Campion, a staunch opponent of a state proposed roundabout at Highways C and 83 in Salem, initiated the effort.

“I am glad to see the State Senate put forward a bill that gives local government more authority …,” Campion said.

Supervisor Ted Kmiec echoed Campion’s opposition to the Highway C roundabout.

“If they gave us that money, we could pave our roads … its stupid,” Campion said.

Supervisor Dennis Faber said he is not opposed to roundabouts, but he agrees that local governments should have more of a voice in some state decisions.

“I for one like roundabouts, but I am in favor of having the municipalities have more say,” Faber said.

Campion suggested the Salem resolution be sent to Salem’s state legislators and its congressman as well as the bill’s sponsors. State Sen. Van Wanggaard, who represents Salem, is a co-sponsor of the bill.

2015 Assembly Bill 326 has been referred to the Transportation Committee.



One Comment

  1. Ughhh says:

    This is great news! I’m not opposed to all roundabouts, but a roundabout at one of the busiest intersections in western Kenosha county would really be a bad idea, especially given all the heavy truck traffic. All that really needs to be done at that intersection is add left turn lights. The problem facing most people is they’re rushed because when the light does turn green, no one can turn because of the line of traffic and the timing of the light.

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