Completion of construction and addition of traffic signals to the Highway 50 and Highway O intersection in Wheatland has been extended, a Wisconsin Department of Transportation spokesman said.
The project was originally to be completed in mid August. But more work was added to the project and it may not be finished now until the end of September or early October, said Brian DeNeve of WisDOT SE Region Communications.
The additional work included right turn lanes to eastbound and westbound Highway 50 and additional traffic control signs. Besides that work, other improvements to the intersection included: Adding traffic signals, extending the eastbound and westbound left turn lanes on Highway 50 and upgrading sections of the storm sewer.
Meanwhile, left turns from and onto Highway 50 are prohibited while construction is still ongoing.
The project began in mid-June.
This project originally priced out at $692,000. Even if it goes up another couple hundred with the additional work it would still be under $1 million.
Now look back at a February 9 story on West of the I under road construction and you will see that Wisconsin DOT has priced out the re doing of the lights and roadway at 83 and C at 4 to $5 million.
It’s really hard to wrap your head around the difference between under 1 million to over 4 for similar type work being done at both intersections. Even with the grading that they say needs to be done that is in addition to the grading that was done last time.
I’ll leave it to the Salem readers to decide if Wisconsin DOT is just throwing numbers out like that to get you to buy into a roundabout at the ‘bargain price’ of 2 to 3 million.