Paddock Lake residents have registered 12 of 50 licenses for golf carts

golf-cart-sxc-Michal-Zacharzewski-webTwelve licenses have been issued for golf carts in Paddock Lake, since the village earlier this year passed an ordinance making the operation of the vehicles legal on most village roads.

That number is lower than at least one village official.

“I am surprised at the low issuance of golf cart licenses after all the hoopla this subject brought to the community resulting in a referendum,” said village President Terry Burns. “However, the referendum passed and as stewards of the community we passed ordinances allowing conditional operation of the cart.

After an effort to allow golf carts last year proved controversial, the village held a referendum on the issue. Establishing a golf cart ordinance allowing their operation in the village passed the November referendum 665 yes to 409 no.

The ordinance establishes several conditions for legal golf cart use including the driver being at least 16, having a driver’s license, be insured for liability and that the vehicle be inspected by a Kenosha County Sheriff’s deputy.

Burns speculated that since the ordinance is new it may be taking a while for people to respond.

“This being the implementation year, it is feasible that there are some operators that are unaware of the ordinance or are currently entertaining the purchase of a new or used cart,” Burns said. “As the summer progresses I feel we will see an upswing in registrations.”

Applications can be obtained through Village Hall.  Burns pointed out that the cost of implementing this program is bared solely by the users, not by taxpayers that do not own a cart or have any intention of purchasing one.





  1. Follow the money says:

    Do you think it might be the liability insurance part that is stopping people from getting the license ?
    It’s one thing just to get in your golf cart and drive around to the store or to the lake or to a friends house and quite another when you now have to write a check twice a year for the privilege to do so.

    While I don’t expect the sheriffs department to be driving around checking these golf carts for licensing and insurance it would be interesting to find out how many people are ignoring the new ordinance and now are driving illegally. You can’t legislate personal responsibility anymore than you can legislate cost upon someone to do something that they’ve always done for free.

  2. Sl Goverment says:

    We need to follow the same lead I Silver Lake

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