Wilmot Union High School Academic Decathlon honored by Twin Lakes Village Board

The Wilmot Union High School Academic Decathlon national champions were honored with a proclamation from the Twin Lakes Village Board Monday night recognizing the team’s achievement.

The Wilmot team won the Division 2 title at the competition held in Anaheim, California in April.

Wilmot UHS team members are: Carlie Banchi, Carl Simmons, Alyssa Gregory, Joey Burba, Angela Schumacher, Johny Weber, Mason Nindl, Ashley Dabbs and Althea Disse. The team’s coach is Don Serkowski.

Here is video of village President Howard Skinner reading the proclamation:

Trustee Tom Connolly had suggested at an earlier meeting that the village recognize the achievement of the team, which includes some Twin Lakes residents.

“That’s quote an accomplishment,” Connolly said at that time.


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