Ruthann Beales, 13, reaches for a coloring book, as her father Justin, sister, Fancy, 12, and mother, Kim, help assemble baskets.
Ruthann Beales decided she wanted to make Easter baskets because she wanted to make children happy. She decided on this when she thought about how it would be to stuck in the hospital. She selected this holiday because Christmas gets a lot of attention, and Easter is her favorite holiday. This year family and friends would assemble 101 baskets to be taken to Children’s Hospital.
Materials are collected from local businesses and donations from family, friends and church members. Each were neatly arranged at New Life Bible Church in Twin Lakes on Saturday. An assembly line then put each basket and backpack together in a little over an hour.
This is the second time Ruthann has done this project. Last time, she coordinated the project of 40 baskets that were taken to Burlington Hospital, which the hospital shared with other locations. She hopes to do it again, next year.
I am looking at the photos and could not help but notice that this young woman is on crutches while making Easter baskets to give to others. What a kid!