/Photo by Olly Bennett via stock.xchng
Ten legislators with Kenosha-Racine are ties have signed a letter to Gov. Scott Walker urging him to take additional time before finalizing his decision regarding a proposed Menominee Tribal casino at the site of the former Dairyland Greyhound Park.
The letter was signed by state Rep. Samantha Kerkman and state Sen. Van Wanggaard, whose districts include most of Western Kenosha County. The letter also was signed by state Rep. Robin Vos, the Assembly speaker, whose district is located in Racine County.
The letter makes the case that some of the concerns raised by the Department of Administration regarding an approval of the casino have been addressed by the Menominee.
The letter says in part:
As you know, we are greatly disappointed in your announced decision to deny the Hard Rock Casino application in Kenosha County. To be frank, the vast majority of our constituents are more than disappointed in your action. We urge you to take the full time allowable before February 19, 2015 to give this fluid and rapidly changing situation your full consideration. Due to the timing of Secretary Huebsch’s report and memorandum, several recently-developed facts were omitted. There are three specific aspects of the casino negotiation process that we believe mitigate, if not eliminate, any potential loss to the state … This is an opportunity for an $800 million investment in our state, thousands of jobs, millions of tourists and a billion dollars to the state treasury over the coming years. The 9,000 Menominee tribal members and thousands looking for work in Southeastern Wisconsin are depending on this development to lift them out of poverty. The benefits are too great, the opportunity is too extraordinary, for you to not give this a second look. We know that in the remaining three weeks, we can truly make this a win-win-win for Wisconsin.”
The whole letter is available here.
Walker announced on Jan. 23 that he was rejecting the casino.
Proponents of the casino said it would create 5,000 temporary and permanent jobs.
Don’t worry folks. Those jobs and that money will most likely make it just south of the border, where there will be no protest allowed by the Potowatomi tribe. Illinois will get all the tax incentives and jobs, and we’ll just get to drive a very short distance to win our millions! What they really should do (the Menomonee tribe) is partner up with the Potowatami tribe and have shuttle services available 24 hours between both casinos. Think of the people who will be drawn into the area from around the world??? That’s a win/win! The Hard Rock can actually advertise for the Potowatami!
On Friday, Kerkman and Wanggard were LAMBASTING Jim Doyle for “ruining” the casino project. Come to find out, that was completely false! Haven’t seen their “sorry Jim” apologies yet!@
Walker’s decision was based 100% on presidential politics. The threats from the nut job Iowans and the summit make it is BEYOND obvious. No one is believing Walkers BS excuse.
The sad thing is the local GOP reps had to go from betrayed & pissed off to “yes men” and repeat his fib. No sign of backbones.
@Ughh–I agree that this is shame. I also agree with Back Pedaling. Blaming Doyle is BS.
The “Scottowatomi Tribe” continues to pull our governor’s strings. Time to get the scissors out!