A screenshot of the kensoharacinerecycles.org homepage
The following announcement regarding recycling information is from Kenosha County UW-Extension:
Kenosha County UW-Extension announces that it has launched its Kenosha and Racine Counties Recycle Guide website for residential and commercial sectors. Features of the website include a searchable database for many hazardous waste products that can be recycled through municipal and private sector recycling firms servicing the two counties. As a ‘one stop shop’ website for all recycling information throughout the two counties, the site will feature recycling tips, articles and news clips from partner agencies Environmental Protection Agency and WI Department of Natural Resources. This enables residents and commercial clients to stay current with recycling trends. The website is an engaging, user-friendly electronic platform for the existing printable Recycle Guide that has served Kenosha and Racine Counties for many years, providing consumers with reliable and current information. The website can be found at kenosharacinerecycles.org. For more information about this program, please contact Amy Greil, CNRED Educator, Kenosha County UW-Extension or email amy.greil@kenoshacounty.org.