Sheriff’s Department seeking suspect in Bristol incident

Darryl Heard /Kenosha County Sheriff's Department

Darryl Heard /Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department

The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department released the following information Thursday via its Facebook page:

This morning, Deputies responded to an altercation in the Village of Bristol. Prior to their arrival, the suspect fled on foot. The suspect is Darryl Heard (33yrs old). The suspect is wanted for Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Damage, Criminal Trespass to Dwelling and he is also wanted in Lake County, IL for violation of sex offender registry. The incident occurred in the 8100 block of 195th Ave. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department at 262-605-5100 or Kenosha Area Crime Stoppers at 262-656-7333 or (800)807-TIPS(8477). Crime Stoppers offers cash rewards of up to $1000.


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