Body of Center Lake missing swimmer recovered

The body of a man who was swimming in Center Lake Tuesday afternoon and then went missing was recovered around midnight last night.

From a statement released by Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Sgt. Bill Beth:

At approximately Midnight the body of Clide Routheaux was recovered from the bottom of Center Lake nearly 200 yards from where he originally went under water. Mr. Routheaux was located using sonar equipment operated by Lake County Fire/EMS. There were no signs of violence indicated and Mr. Routheaux’s body was turned over to the Kenosha County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Routheaux was out boating with family and friends on Center Lake. While on the lake they decided to go swimming off the side of the boat. Routheaux entered the water with a depth of about 22 feet. Routheaux went under water and did not resurface.


One Comment

  1. Karen says:

    The “side scan sonar” unit is owned by Wauconda Fire Dept. It’s surprising they continued to work after dark. Recovery operations usually suspend at dark and begin again at dawn. Rescue/Recovery is a tricky, dangerous operation. There is practically no visibility underwater in these local lakes this time of year. Fortunately they can scan with the sonar cameras without divers in the water.

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