Election 2013: Silver Lake village president

Note: westofthei.com distributed questionnaires to candidates for local offices in the April 2 election. Each candidate for a given office was asked the same questions. We will present the answers in posts as they were submitted (spelling corrected when caught). — DH

Silver Lake village president

Jeff Albrecht, age 62. Previous Political experience: 2 years as Village Trustee, 8 years total as Village President.

Sue Gerber. No answers submitted for age or previous political experience.

Why are you seeking the office of Silver Lake village president?

Albrecht: “Village Board accomplishments over the past two years have been exemplary. However, there is more work to be done and more to be accomplished. Consider some of our achievements: • Reduced property taxes • Created a tough new purchasing policy to ensure that all contractors get an even chance at Village business, to eliminate favoritism and rewards for friends and family and to put the taxpayer first. • Passed an Ethics Ordinance which holds elected officials accountable to the voters. • Created a long term plan for road/storm sewer replacement • Paid off loans saving taxpayers more than $70,000 in interest payments. • Enacted funding alternatives to property taxes such as the sale of unused public lands, putting those lands back on the tax rolls. • Increased cash reserves which were dangerously low when I took office to more than 11% today and rising. • Invested in our Fire Department, increased emergency staffing and for the first time in over a decade – funded a long term account to replace aging equipment • Supported volunteerism and the efforts of our newly formed Silver Lake Citizen’s for Growth • Planned for the expansion of the Silver Lake Ice trail connection through the Village (expected to be completed this spring). • Cooperated and met with neighboring communities to share services and equipment – we cannot continue to lower taxes and spend more money when we can share services, increase efficiencies and put taxpayers first.”

Gerber: Collaboration is the reason why I decided to run for the President of the Village of Silver Lake. We have a wonderful department of public works, fire department, police department, building inspector and rescue squad. All of these departments need to be able to work together and not apart. A society is considered productive when its people work together. People and departments help one another in times of difficulties and we need to get back to that collaborative nature and restore a harmonious community.

Why are you a better choice than the other candidate?

Albrecht: I have started to eliminate the status quo that has stifled growth in the Village in the past few years. I have a strong business background, having run large corporations as well as extensive government experience essential for getting things done. I believe I am the candidate who will look for better ways to get things done – to cooperate with our neighbors, hold the line on property taxes, and put money where it can best be used. All citizens and businesses deserve a fair shake when it comes to treatment by their Village government and I have a proven record of doing just that. Silver Lake deserves the most highly qualified candidate it can elect, and I will humbly serve the citizens of Silver Lake to the very best of my ability if re-elected.

Gerber: My career as a Postmaster is based on leadership and interaction with the community and building a trust with patrons. I have held the position of President of several private organizations as well as a financial adviser to a major benevolent organization. I am a lifelong resident of the village; therefore I have a vested interest in this community. I will continue to serve the residents of Silver Lake with the same dedication that I have for the past five years as a trustee as well as with honesty, fairness and dignity and respect to the employees of our community and our tax paying residents.

What do you feel is the correct path for the Village to follow on the fire department/rescue issue? (Note: This question was asked before the vote on an EMS contract at the March 20 Village Board meeting. — DH)

Albrecht: I’m pleased with the results of our March 20 Board meeting, I truly believe this is the best care and best solution currently available as well as being in the best interest of all residents. The health and safety of our citizens is job #1. We need both fire and rescue as strong as they can be – we’re on the right path.

Gerber: First off there was not enough investigation into the matter; we need to completely scrap the entire issue and start over. Do I believe in making it better – absolutely, the goal when our current president took the reins of this endeavor was to help strengthen the fire department. It has since gone from strengthening the fire department to removing the rescue squad and I don’t think removing a rescue squad that has served this village for many years as well as demoralizing the fire department is going to fix anything. My goal in this situation is for more involvement of the departments working together, working with the citizens of this community to find the solution that will actually fix the problem rather than pointing fingers and casting a wedge between them. It is just senseless to see people that have sworn to serve and protect the citizens of this community fighting amongst themselves.



  1. Anonymous says:

    Albrecht states: “The health and safety of our citizens is job #1.” How in the world is it safe for an ambulance from Salem that is 8-11 mins away (provided it’s during their in-station hours and they don’t have their own calls going on) SAFEST for Silver Lake citizens when the Rescue Squad is w/in a 2 minute radius of any address within the village limits? Absolute absurdity to me!

  2. No one says:

    Honestly, it doesn’t matter who takes over in Silver Lake. Anyone with a clear mind can see that the village is nothing more than an over taxed bedroom community. There is nothing that really attracts people to the village, and there is no where for business to develop.

  3. Branden Sellers says:

    I really can’t take stock anything written and signed “Anonymous”, or “No one” as for the times you stated ….. A TRAINED Firefighter/First Responder shall be there for ALL you Silver Lake Residents within a reasonable time frame, set forth by Wi. State and National Regulatory Board, with the back up of Paramedic from Salem .. pretty simple actually…. Silver Lake Rescue Squad shall be fine.. as in all business SLRS just needs to fire up it’s sales team… private ambulance companies are stronger than ever.. accounts with Wilmot Mt. and other communities leaves them quite strong..yes… for the residents of Silver Lake who happen to be employed by SLRS it may be a change not quite what they wanted… but if you have a strong team… you shall survive.. as for No One…. maybe your right in being a over taxed bedroom community but to change that..might I suggest community involvement, Jeff is right the status quo is what got us in this mess in the first place. why he has my vote at this time…

  4. To comment number 1 says:


    You will have Silver Lake Fire Dept State Certified First Responders providing Basic Life Support until Salem Rescue Squad comes on scene with Advanced Life Support. At most the Salem (PERV) Paramedic Emergancy Response Vehicle could be in Silver Lake in 2 to 5 min!

  5. Jackie Moon says:

    JEFF Decker Soti Dunn all have my vote!!!!
    Moving Silver Lake Forward !!

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