Wheatland Center PTO to host spaghetti dinner March 23

Photo by Michal Bahn via stock.xchng

Photo by Michal Bahn via stock.xchng

Tickets are on sale now for the Wheatland Center School PTO 26th Annual Spaghetti Dinner, which will be held this year on March 23 from 4:30 to 8 p.m.

Dinner includes: spaghetti with homemade meat sauce, salad, bread, beverage and dessert. Ticket prices in advance are: Adult (13-64) $7;  Senior (65+) $4; Child (6-12) $4; 5 and under free; Family (2 adult + 2 children)$20; (additional children $3/ea) Advance tickets on sale until March 19 at the school office. Ticket prices at the door: Adults $8, Seniors $5,  Child $5, Carry-Out $9.

Besides the dinner, the event will also include: Silent Auction, Raffles, Bingo, Learning Fair & Scholastic Book Fair! Bingo will  be held from 5 to 7 p.m. $1/card per game with prizes.


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