Twin Lakes Village Board weak on parking time limit change on Main Street

tl-main-street-downtownTwin Lakes Village Board members discussed, but seemed lukewarm on acting on, a change to parking time limits on the north side of Main Street downtown.

Petitions with 160 signatures from residents and non residents requesting a change from the current two-hour limit to a four-hour limit were received by the village. Officials said the petition was believed to be driven by the patrons of two taverns downtown.

Parking without a time limit is available on the south side of Main Street and in the municipal parking lot adjacent to the Twin Lakes Area Chamber and Business Association offices, Jennifer Pollitt, village administrator, pointed out.

Pollitt and police Chief Dale Racer said they both talked to some of the business owners in the area and found mixed feelings about the proposed change. Most businesses, other than the taverns, told him their customers were at their businesses for about 30 to 60 minutes in most cases, Racer said.

Racer said the two-hour limit — enacted when the the street was rehabbed in 2010 — is difficult to enforce already and would be even more so if the limit was increased to four hours.

“It’s a game of cat and mouse,” Racer said.

Ultimately, Racer recommended not changing the current limit.

“”If they know they are going to be in the  bar more than two hours, why don’t they just park across the street?” Racer asked. “I would suggest you keep it at two hours.”

Trustees also seemed reluctant to make the change the petition sought.

“I can’t see how any other business other than the two bars would want anything other than the two hours,” Fitzgerald said “All of their customers are going to be less than two hours.”

The board asked Pollitt to research parking time limits in other communities and the circumstances surrounding the change in Twin Lakes as to who suggested it, support at the time etc.




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