Salem School is bringing the running of sports and clubs back under the umbrella of the school in the 2013-14 school year as well as bringing back summer school this June.
The School Board approved the move at last week’s regular monthly meeting.
Sports and clubs have been run by the independent community organization the Salem Booster Club since the 2009-2010 school year. The club formed in the wake of a fourth failed tax levy referendum in April 2009. With that failed referendum, the School Board was forced to make staff cuts as well as cut funding for all extracurricular activities. The club was formed as a way to revitalize extracurriculars by providing funding outside of the tax levy. It operates completely independent of school funding or staffing with all volunteers, mostly parents of students.
Summer school has not been offered at Salem for the last two summers.
David Milz, district administrator, said the move was not a reflection on the job done by booster club volunteers in running sports and clubs. Instead it was an effort by the School Board to bring sports and clubs back under the school’s control where they more effectively build on teacher-student relationships.
“You really want it to be part of the school and under the school’s umbrella,” Milz said, adding that the school is “thankful for what the Salem Booster Club has done. The decision is not a reflection on the Salem Booster Club.”
Changes in district finances have made the move feasible. It’s not so much that the district is realizing more revenue, but that changes to post employment benefits for staff, a drop in district assessed valuation bringing more state aid and shifts in lunch program related costs have freed up money within the general fund, Milz explained.
Milz said he hopes the booster club can continue in a more traditional support role. He anticipates school and club officials to meet soon to begin a transition.
While some summer school functions have been replaced by the school’s Response to Intervention program, summer school still offers opportunities for further academic reinforcement as well as enrichment opportunities.
“It is exciting that we will be able to bring it back,” Milz said.
The board motion to reinstate summer school and sport and clubs included the following spending limits: Summer school not to exceed $50,000, athletics not to exceed $35,000, extracurricular clubs not to exceed $15,000, for a total of $100,000. The motion passed on a unanimous 5-0 vote.
An earlier similar motion with $20,000 more in total expenditures failed for a lack of a second.
I guess those teachers missed those extra checks!
This is great news. This school is coming back!
Summer School for struggling kids only. What about enrichment classes? Who determines what clubs and sports get the money? Will parents and tax payers be asked for opinions.