Wisconsin Lions Camp participant applications available

lions-logoThe Wisconsin Lions Camp, owned and operated by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Inc., begins its 57th year of camping for youth and adults with disabilities on May 29.

The twelve-week summer camping program is provided free of charge, made possible by the financial support of the Lions, Lioness, and Leo Clubs of Wisconsin, including the Paddock Lake Area Lions Club. Individuals and corporate donors also assist the Lions with financial support, making the camp possible.

Specialized camping sessions are scheduled for youth and adults who are blind or visually impaired and deaf or hard of hearing. Camping sessions are also scheduled for youth who socially or educationally function as having a mild cognitive disability and for youth with diabetes.

The Lions Camp provides summer employment opportunities in positions of cabin counselors, program specialists, and nurses, with male counselors and nurses being the greatest need. Also offered are a counselor-in-training program for youth ages 16 & 17 for a fee.

In addition to the regular summer camping program, the Wisconsin Lions Camp operates as a year-round Retreat and Conference Center. The facility is rented to anyone, with preference given to school groups, organizations serving persons with disabilities, and other non-profit groups. Weekend family camps offered in the winter and spring provide camping opportunities for families with a member having a disability. Minimal fees are charged to cover the operating cost for these rental programs.

Camper applications for various programs or information on summer employment opportunities may be obtained by contacting: Wisconsin Lions Camp Retreat & Conference Center, 3834 County Road A, Rosholt, WI 54473. You can call (715) 677-4969, email at info@wisconsinlionscamp.com, or visit www.wisconsinlionscamp.com.


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