Free Cable Gun Locks are available from the Kenosha County Division of Health through a grant from the Charles E. Kubly Foundation.
What is a cable gun lock? A cable gun lock is a device that blocks the chamber to prevent a cartridge from being fired. While a securely locked gun cabinet or safe provides good protection, cable gun locks also provide added safety.
How it works: cable gun locks are put through the magazine well or chamber, or are put through the gun barrel and chamber to block a bullet from moving into position. A combination or key opens the lock.
- Long cables may be threaded through several guns .
- Inexpensive .
- Can be used with most handguns, rifles and shotguns.
Other types of locking devices include: Lock box – a small safe designed to store a handgun; trigger lock – a two-piece lock that fits over the trigger guard.
Remember gun locking devices should only be used on unloaded guns. Locking devices that are made of quality material and used properly may help reduce the chance of injury to your loved ones. There are no standards to regulate gun locking devices. No trigger or cable lock is foolproof.
For more information, please call 605-6700.