Suzanne Nelson, who resigned as Silver Lake deputy village clerk/treasurer in November to accept a position elsewhere will be coming back to her old post.
The Silver Lake Village Board agreed to rehire Nelson at the Village Board meeting Dec. 19. Trustee Patrick Dunn voted against the rehiring.
The board had advertised for a replacement for Nelson but had not started candidate interviews, said Trustee Sotiria Wilbur, who leads the Finance, Legislative and Administrative Committee.
Nelson will be paid at the same rate as when she left, however she will start as a new employee in terms of accruing vacation and casual time. Her coverage by vill;age health insurance will be uninterrupted since she was already prepaid for through December.
Casual time is similar to sick leave, but can also be used for purposes besides illness, Wilbur explained.
Village Clerk/Treasurer Terry Faber said she was in favor of the move, due to Nelson’s familiarity with the work.
“She could step right in,” Faber said.