The Twin Lakes Village Board is considering placement of no parking signs in two areas in the village — on Sunset Court and Park Avenue.
The Sunset Court request came from a resident that says he has observed vehicles that park at the cul-de-sac there and stand for a period of time, according to a memo from police Chief Dale Racer. The only residence near the cul-de-sac is uninhabited A temporary no parking sign was erected at the spot, which the resident says did end the parking. Racer is recommending the placement of three no parking signs in the area.
On Park Avenue, resident have complained to Racer about vehicles that park on the roadway, partially blocking the stop sign on Park Avenue at 93rd Street, hinder traffic flow and cause safety issues for children crossing the street. Racer said in a memo that he has observed parking in the area narrowing the street to one lane and a school bus having difficulty maneuvering by the parked vehicles. Racer is recommending placing no parking signs on the east side of Park Avenue to alleviate the problem.
No board members objected to either placement. As Monday’s board meeting was a Committee of the Whole, which is generally just for discussion, placing the signs will be voted on at a future meeting.