Here’s an update on the garage fire in Silver Lake from Tuesday evening.
From Silver Lake Fire Chief Andrew McFarlane:
“Silver Lake Fire responded to the report of a garage fire in the 100 block of West Park St in the village. First unit on scene was 6101 Assistant Chief Burns who advised that the structure was fully involved with fire. The first fire apparatus was on scene in 5 minutes from the time of dispatch and had started fire suppression operations. I was on scene a minute later. We had all of our apparatus on scene as well as a truck and tender from Randall, an engine and tender from Wheatland, an Engine and tender from Wilmot, and a squad and Tender from Twin Lakes as well as two med units from Silver Lake Rescue Squad Inc. A total of 37 fire fighters battled the fire. Damage to the property was extensive and unable to put a dollar amount on it due to the fact that there was a lot of personnal belongings in the garage and leanto. There may have been some minor damage caused by heat to a neighbors garage siding.”
The cause of the fire is still under investigation, McFarlane said.
Our original reporting from last night is here.