eWaste tends to be highly toxic to humans, plants and animals, and has been known to contaminate water, air and soil. Wisconsin state law established the E-Cycle Wisconsin program to collect and recycle certain electronic devices. The law banned certain electronics from Wisconsin landfills and incinerators after Sept. 1, 2010. The law established registered collection sites where consumers can drop unwanted electronics which then are sold to recyclers and broken down for their component recyclable parts.
A free eWaste recycling event will be held in the parking lot of the Kenosha County Center at 19600 75th St., Bristol on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Items to dispose of include: televisions, computers, laptops, printers, scanners, tablet pc’s, home phones, cell phones, handheld electronic games, electronic medical equipment and circuit board based equipment. In general, anything with a cord.
This event is sponsored by: Kenosha and Racine Counties Land Conservation, Kenosha/ Milwaukee/Racine Counties Farm Service Agency & Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Seno Center, Caledonia Conservancy and UW-Cooperative Extension. Please take advantage of this free eWaste recycling event.
With your participation you can continue to keep dangerous materials out of our environment and dispose of them properly.
For more information on proper disposal for eWaste, see the Wisconsin DNR website at: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/aw/wm/ewaste/ or email questions to the DNR at: DNRWAe- cycling@Wisconsin.gov.
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