Brighton School 4th Annual Struttin’ with the Stars is Saturday

The Brighton PTO will be hosting the 4th Annual Struttin’ with the Stars on Saturday, Sept. 29 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Brighton Elementary School, 1200 248th Ave., Brighton. There will be many activities including carnival games, face painting, cake walk, silent auction, live auction and much more. For more information please contact Brighton School at 262-878-2191.

Additionally, the Brighton Booster Club will host a spaghetti dinner during Struttin’ with the Stars from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are: $ 9 Adults – Advance tickets; $10 Adults – at the Door; $ 5 Children 5 – 11 years old; 4 and under free. Contact Tammy Wisnefski to purchase advance tickets at phone 945-7786 or email Dinner includes spaghetti and sauce, meatballs, bread, salad and dessert. Eat-in or take out.

Join the Brighton School community for an incredible day of fun and excitement.


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